Jumaat, 12 Disember 2014

Serum yg terbaik untuk muka kusam

Best sgt2 serum ni .. apply setiap malam just 2 ke 3 titik jer, bangun2 pagi muka takkan nampak kusam... after cuci muka terus nampak cerah..serum ni special tau.. sekali apply pun akn nampak cerah yg paling best cepat meresap dan tidak langsung berminyak. Mkup akn tahan berjam2 lamanya. Yg paling penting kl terdedah kt matahari pun muka xkan burn .

*hilangkan kedutan
*cerahkan kulit
*tahankan mkup
*anti aging
*kasi lifting & firm
(Senang cerita semua dalam ni)

*sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit

Sebb best so kita jual jugak 0194916777/0194313497
Rm70 untuk 10 vial including postage
Sabah/serawak rm70 + postage 10.

Kebaikan Nc24 ultimate

_special price n tips

NC24 Pure Crystalize Ultimate Whitening 15000 Japan

Ingredients :-
L-Glutathione + plant Cell 15000 mg- Multiberry Extract- Licorice Extract- Bearberry Extract- Tomato Extract- Acorbic Acid 1800 mg- Collagen Extract 500 mg- Co-enzymes Q10 450 mg- Ubiquinone Q10

Recommended Dosage :
This product is administered by intramuscular (IM) or intravenously (IV). One or two ampoules/injection every week for 1 or 2 months (*depends to your body metabolism). Then can reduce the dosage to 1 injection every 2 weeks for maintenance. 

Not Suitable For :-     
-      Breast feeder
-      Injection on women period
-      Allergy to vitamin (any kind)
-      Patient with cardiovascular problem 

Packing :6 vials powder and 6 vials of solvent
