Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

cindella injection yang sangat terbaik untuk tahun 2015

salam semua kenapa nurul suka sangat upload gambar untuk #cindella  #tationil900mg , #vitamax2gs #glutaxgoldvelocity or dipanggil dan dikenali dgn panggilan #glutax300g , sebabkan nurul suka ramai customers nurul yang ikut cara nurul ajar STEP 1 & 2 sangat-sangat menjadi untuk cerahkan kulit, menghilangankan parut , mencantikan kulit... yang paling best kesan dia seawal 4-7 hari after setiap treatment sahaja akan nampak dah kesan2 cerah malah menyerikan kulit . yang penting nurul dapat ajar diorg semua  ni sebb ada seorang doctor kecantikan yang ajar nurul cara2 untuk dapat result yang cepat tau .  so sesiapa nak tahu datang la whatsapp nurul , inshaallah nurul akn guide cara yang betul dan ikuti nurul step by step . okiess la nak tahu harga or keterangan lanjut hubungi nurul ya . detail nurul di bawah okiess . tq semua nurul akn share dgn anda semua ya . opsss lupa nak bagi tau #arbutinwhiteningsoap bagus tau sebenarnya cuma anda mungkin tak diajar cara guna yang betul tapiiiiiii bukan yang siam punya ok  . lagi bagus dari scrub ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜skin akn jadi pinkish n selembut baby ok .ok dah yg tu ja nak kasi tau . maceh

EMAIL : trueparth85@gmail.com
MY INSTA : @ mrspp

Jumaat, 22 Mei 2015

oriental whitening injection

ORIENTAL ANTI - aging detox whitening 
Contact Us
Name :Nurul

Email * trueparth85@gmail.com

Message * 0194916777 /0194313497

Oriental Anti-Aging Detox Whitening Intravenous

Contents of Oriental Anti-Aging Detox Whitening Intravenous

This detoxing whitening jabs which original from Taiwan are actually three effect unite product. It will helps to detox, whitening and anti-aging at the same time. This consist of 7 vials, of 5 different contents.

Cell’s growth promoting factors, natural ginkgo extract— stronger antioxidant helps to increase the blood circulation.

Strong detoxing agent for liver, sorbefacient of Vitamin C, helps to prevent collagen from leaching out from the skin, keep skin tight.

Gluthathione (2 vials)
is an important antioxidant in plants, animals, fungi and some bacteria and archaea, preventing damage to important cellular components caused by reactive oxygen species such as free radicals and peroxides. It is a tripeptide with a gamma peptide linkage between thecarboxyl group of the glutamate side-chain and the amine group of cysteine (which is attached by normal peptide linkage to a glycine).

Vitamin C (2 vials, 5ml and 20ml)
Purest vitamin C, excellent antioxidant agent. To keep ski cells alive and maintain the skin flexibility, thus make the skin shiny and greasy. So it can gelay the ageing of skin and brighten the look your face. Vitamin C can make melanin reductive and remove a kind “blanch” action, have profit to treating butterfly spot.

Depo-B12 / 
Enhance metabolism, provide energy, refresh the brain and regain consciousness. Helps alleviate anxiety, nervousness and frustration as well.

Product Benefits

Oriental whitening has the obvious whitening effect, it helps to lighten up the spots and no longer thicken, expand and increase, so as to effectively prevent and improve the skin pigment deposition, stable and whitening effect, it doesn’t required any kinds of carrier’s protections but still able to achieve whitening effect.

Another significant role is to improve liver function. For women, beauty and health are from the liver. The liver is one of the important organ in the human body, the liver has the function of detoxification and it also store and regulate blood so that liver have close relationship with the female physiological cycles as well.

When our liver able to function normally our blood circulation will be smooth as in for women, the products will also helps to even out the monthly cycles . Irregular modern life, stressful works and bad habit like smoking, too much of alcohol drinks, all of these will cause hypohepatia.

Product Performance
✢  Avoid skin gets darker after laser.✢  Improve the discomfort after operation and anesthesia.✢  Lighten the dark spots.✢  Calm down the skin and redness.✢  Improve allergic constitution.✢  Promote blood circulation thereby to increase the resistance, detoxifacaion balance the endocrine role.✢  Promotes the regeneration of the skin cells so that have such effects as balancing skin elimination scars, helps to relax and comfort mood.

kami punya oriental bulan from china ya tp
origin : taiwan 

Jm master prowhite injection

how to order
whatsapp 0194916777 / +60194313497
email : trueparth85@gmail.com

free consultation 

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email : trueparth85@gmail.com

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whatsapp 0194916777 / +60194313497
email : trueparth85@gmail.com
my insta : @mrspp

original arbutin whitening soap

original arbutin whitening soap mcm ni tau ada hologram semua na , sesiapa yg suka suntik tu malas nak scrub guna sabun ni mmg kesan nampak lebih cepat 

- is found in the dried leaves of a number of different plant species including bearberry. Arbutin has been known to prevent pigmentation, liver spots and freckles and whiten skin but it also has anti-aging effects and gives UVB/ UVC filter or protection. It also treats allergic inflammation and sunburn marks of the skin. - now the hottest whitening ingredient in Japan. It provides whitening, anti-aging and UVB and UVC filters, among other benefits.

- made from bearberry plant extract
- dries up pimples
- gradually effective on pimple scars
- safer than hydroquinone
- makes skin radiant
- safe for pregnant women
- lightens stretch marks
- for men and women
- smells like a milk soap
- ideal for sensitive skin
- will cause a bit of skin peeling but will definitely make your skin smoother and glowing afterwards
- use lotion after taking a bath

whatsapp 0194916777 / 0194313497  PAYMENT BY 
Credit card ( Paypal )
western union
bank transfer ( cimb / maybank)

Rabu, 20 Mei 2015


nurul dah page untuk injection ya

complexion -6 RM9xx including postage & free gift

baca dulu ya .
my insta : @mrspp
email : trueparth85@gmail.com
whatsapp / sms / call

payment boleh dibayar instant credit card master & visa / cash / western union by paypal .

salam semua nurul sentiasa dapat testimoni yg sangat menjadi bila nurul suggest n guide cara treatment yang betul kepada customers nurul semua , sekarang ni demi menghargai setiap pelanggan nurul , nurul akn kasi free gift untuk setiap pembelian #complexion6 ya walaupun hanya 1 box . nurul kasi free gift ni sebenarnya lebih untuk dari discount ya sebb setiap item free gift mencecah RM180- 200 . tambahan sekarang sampai keluar negara nurul jual. 

terima kasih semua kepada yang selalu support dan mempercayai setiap product yang nurul jual. opsss lupa jikalau complexion 6 anda dapat murah hati2 ya sebb takut terbeli yang indon punya nnti anda tak dapat results seperti yang kami jual punya ya . 

review complexion 6 vs tationil 900mg

salam semua nak tahu kenapa nurul kasi free gift tationil ( glutatione ) 900mg 4 set ni untuk kasi kesan lebih cantik mcm n cerah berganda . harga special set ni hanya rm980.00nett saja anda layak menerima free gift ni ya . whatsapp or email nurul untuk dapat tips n cara yg betul untuk penggunaan complexion 6 , setiap customer nurul amat nurul hargai ya . 

detail nurul : 
whatsapp / sms / email :
email : trueparth85@gmail.com 

Khamis, 14 Mei 2015

special gift for glutax 300g , tationil and aqua egf and 500gs

email : trueparth85@gmail.com
my insta @mrspp
whatsapp / sms / call

nurul hanya buat promotion untuk hot item ya , promotion untuk complexion 6 tetap ada . 

special price untuk combo pakej complexion 6 dan juga cindella.

remarks : pls syg2 semua hati2 membeli injection ya kerana beza hanya rm10-20 anda terpaksa rugikan beratus or beribu pula untuk membeli injection yang original . hati2 tau pesanan ikhlas dari nurul . 

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Ahad, 10 Mei 2015

complexion 6 and cindella injection

Complexion 6 PREMIUM ( NEW ) + CINDELLA 
(STEP 1 & 2 )

*kenapa nurul nak minta ambil combo set ni sebb result dia superb . skin akn bertamabah cantik sangat2 . tapi jgn risau nurul akan pastikan skin anda cantik sebelum raya ni . whatsapp nurul untuk keterangan lanjut. 

Multivitamin Theraphy / Whitening Dripping

0194916777 /0194313497

Email : trueparth85@gmail.com
Instagram : @mrspp
Kandungan complexion 6 lebih tinggi & premium exclusive 

Lipoic Thioctic Acid - 5.0ml
Vitamin B-Complex - 1.0ml
Vitamin B12 - 2.0ml
Ascorbic Acid VitaminC - 20.0ml
Gingko Biloba Extract - 5.0ml
Tranexamic Acid - 5.0ml


*Menjana semula sel-sel kulit mati
*Memutihkan kulit secara menyeluruh
*Meningkatkan metabolisme dan melancarkan peredaran darah
*Mencerahkan dan melembapkan kulit dan
*Mencegah penyakit jantung dan gangguan neurologi
*Meningkatkan Glutathione sebagai antioksidan dalam badan.
*Memutihkan dan mencerahkan kulit.
*Menghasilkan kolagen untuk 
*meningkatkan keanjalan kulit
*Mengurangkan pigmentasi yang disebabkan oleh sinaran UV matahari
*Mengurangkan garis-garis halus dan kedutan di sekitar kawasan muka
*Menyekat pembentukan jerawat
*Pengecutan liang dan meningkatkan kerumitan kulit
*Mengurangkan Risiko Hepatitis dan menormalkan fungsi hati
*Menghilangkan kedut, jerawat, beg mata dan kulit kusam.
*Merangsang pertumbuhan semula epidermis kulit untuk licin, lebih lembut dan lebih berseri.
*Menggalakkan pembentukan salur darah baru dan saraf dengan itu membawa kepada meningkatkan respirasi sel.
*Mengimbangkan hormon terutama wanita menghampiri menopaus, mengawal tempoh dan mengurangkan kesakitan menstruasi. Sebagai rawatan alternatif untuk Terapi Penggantian Hormon (HRT).
*Menormalkan pengeluaran hormon itu mencerahkan pigmentasi dan jeragat yang disebabkan oleh ketidakseimbangan hormon.

FDA has recently certified our manufacturer on the PICs / cGMP qualification. It is a mandatory certificate that enforced by the FDA for a manufacturer to keep their production line.So that is it, Complexion 6 is promise you an excellent quality~! 

The best free gift injection item / voucer / service cost / clinic address mengikut area kita akn kasi .

0194916777 /0194313497

Jm master prowhite original review

Epidermal Growth Factor referred to as the EGF, by scientific definition called “epidermal growth factor.” It is a direct acceleration of skin cell growth and to reverse split, younger material. This substance naturally present in human skin cells to make skin young and vibrant, shiny, flexible, wrinkle-free skin for aging, wrinkles, fade away, new skin, increase skin elasticity and shine, repair damaged skin, decomposition has been the synthesis of melanin, with good improvement in results. EGF discovery opened the mysteries of the skin of young and aging, prevent skin aging mankind’s dream into reality, the aging of the skin as possible back into the young

Product Description :

This ProWhite EGF Collagen Extract is originally imported from Korea. Each box contains 10 x 1250mg of vitamin c + 375mg collagen + EGF, IGF-1, bFGF, TRX, Acety Hexapeptide, Copper Tripeptide /5ml.

White Essential :

- 5 ampoules of Vitamin C 5ml / 1250mg and Collagen Extract 375mg
- 5 vials of Glutathione with Hesperidin 1200mg
- Alpha Lipoic Acid 1000mg
- EGF, IGF-1, bFGF, TRX, Acety Hexapeptide, Copper Tripeptide

Hyal Complex :

- 5 ampoules of Vitamin C 1250mg and Collagen Extract 375mg
- 5 vials of Hyaluronic Acid 500mg
- Alpha-Tocopherol (Vitamin E) 600mg
- Life cell EFG 2ml / 1000mg

• Produces collagen to enhance the elasticity of skin
• Reduces pigmentation resulted from exposed sunlight
• Reduces fine lines and wrinkles around facial area
• Suppresses the formation of acne/blemish/pimple
• Minimizes facial pores and improves skim complexion
• Helps to prevent scurvy, a vitamin C deficiency disease
• Increases human’s immune system and promotes antihistamine properties
• Greatly enhance the effect of whitening
• Prevent aging
• Help healing wounds and scars
• Anti wrinkles
• Stimulate collagen formation

Benefits of EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor):

- Lighter Complexion
- Anti Oxidants
- Even Skin Complexion
- Anti Pigmentation/Freckles
- Anti Black Spot/Age Spot

Cell Repair
- Healing Wounds and Scar
- Stimulates Collagen

Anti Aging
- Stopping Aging Process
- Youth and Beauty
- Enhances The Production of Bloods
- Recover Injuries and Tissue Damages
- Prevent Wrinkles

Lifting & Firming
- Repair Loose and Sagging Skin
- Improving Contour
- Firmer and Lifted Skin
- Improve Skin Strength and Elasticity

Anti Wrinkles
- Repair Wrinkles and Creases
- Smooth Skin

Recommended Dosage:
This product is administered by intravenously (IV)

One or two ampoules/injection every week for 1 or 2 months (*depends to your body metabolism). Then can reduce the dosage to 1 injection every 2 weeks for maintainance. Alternately by White Essential and Hyal Complex

Glutax 300g gold velocity

How to order
Pls whatsapp +60194916777 / +60194313497
Email : trueparth85@gmail.com

Glutax gold velocity


~ Nourishes and whitening the skin;

~ Produce collagen, strengthen the skin elasticity;

~ Reduces pigmentation caused from exposure to sunlight;

~ Inhibit the formation of acne/blemishes/pimples

~ Tighten pores

~ Reduce fine lines and wrinkles, anti-aging

~ Enhanced immunity, and reduces fatigue

~ Speeding up skin tissue growth makes the skin smoother

COMPOSITION:10 ampoules 5ml

Ascorbic Acid 3500mg

Extract Collagen 3000mg

Selenium 0.25ml

10 ampoules 2ml

Vitamin E 600mg

Pro Vitamin B3 600mg

Pro Vitamin B5 600mg

5 Vials

Glutatione Extract 300G

Alpha Lipoic Acid 600mg

Epidermal Growth Factor 1200mg

5 Vials

Multi Glutatione 300G

Alpha Lipoic Acid 600mg

Epidermal Growth Factor 1200mg

Recommended Dosage:

One injection per week for 1-2 months of treatment (according to each metabolism).

A perfect result you absolutely need 2-3 months of treatment. Then reduce the dosage to 1 injection every 2 weeks to maintain glutathione in the blood.

Injection Method:

This product is administered by intravenously (IV) or intramuscular (IM)

Not Suitable For:

-Breast feeder

-Injection on women period

-Allergy to vitamin (any kind)

-Pregnant woman

-Patient with cardiovascular problem

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Sabtu, 2 Mei 2015

tationil 900mg whitening cocktail and tationil testimoni

EMAIL : trueparth85@gmail.com
whatsapp +60194916777
my ig : @mrspp


-It is a protein (amino acid) molecule which is important as our body antioxidant, immune system booster and detoxifier 
-It presents in every cell to promote normal function as maintaining the immune system 
-One of the master antioxidant that mostly found in liver 
-It eliminates toxic compound (such as Paracetamol) in liver 
-It reconstitutes vitamin C and E which is being oxidized 
-Combine taking with vitamin c injection greatly enhance your immunity, reduces tiredness, more youthful skin and stay healthy 
-Fights against the cancer, heart disease, premature aging, autoimmune disease and chronic illness 
Glutathione is a dietary supplement that is naturally produced by the human body in the liver. It is known for its antioxidant benefits. Glutathione is believed to help protect the body from a large variety of diseases, disorders and conditions. Some common conditions treated by glutathione include human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), inability to become pregnant, cataracts and cancer. 

Another potential side effect from glutathione use is whitening of the skin. This side effect is rare, but it is caused by taking it in increased doses resulting from modifying conversion of eumelanin (brown/yellow/dark pigment) into phaeomelanin (red/white pigment). This is why, when taken in larger doses, some slight skin whitening could occur. 


- Whiten skin and lighten scar 

- Enhance the elasticity of skin 

- Moisture and hydrate skin 

- Lighten pigmentation resulted from exposed sunlight

- Smooth fine lines and wrinkles 

- Suppresses the formation of acne/blemish/pimples 

- Minimize pores and improves skin complexion 

- Remove excess free radicals that will cause abnormal function of brains and organs 

- Prevent aging 

- Help healing wounds and scars 

- Anti wrinkles 

- Stimulate collagen formation 


Despite some of the usually harmless results associated with glutathione, it is generally considered to be free of side effects. It is safe and considered to be more of a food supplement rather than a herbal supplement. It is known to be effective and generally safe as a cause of any really serious side effects. 

Combine taking with vitamin c injection greatly enhance your immunity, reduces tiredness, whitening of the skin, more youthful skin and stay healthy