Ahad, 22 Februari 2015


Opsss ramai pula yg order #EVGENIS injection ni baik perempaun or lelaki  Whatsapp 0194916777 / 0194313497
Email : trueparth85@gmail.com

What Is Melanin Inhibit Factor & How It Works ? -
Melanin also called 'pigment' is a substance that gives the
skin & hair its natural colour.
- In humans, those with darker skin have higher amounts of melanin.
- By contrast, those with less pigment have lighter or fairer skin colouring.
- Melanocytes are cells that produce melanin, a dark pigment responsible
for the colouration of hair & skin.
- Melanin serves a number of functions in the body & these cells a found in all people.
- Colouration of hair & skin is determined not by how many melanocytes someone has,
but how active these cells are.
- They usually are buried below the surface.
- The cells produce melanin in response to environmental cause,
including exposure to ultraviolet radiation & certain chemicals.
- The melanin travel out of the melanocytes & up to the surface of the tissue
where the cells are found.
- MIF inhibits the melanocytes activity to prevent future unwanted pigmentations
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whitening products


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