Rabu, 9 November 2016



The nutritional and beauty effect of the sheep placenta

• To activate & regenerate the cells and ease the aging of the tissues and organisms.

• To shorten the cells’s metabolism cycle and tenderize the skin.

• To adjust the hormone and enhance the sexual capability.

• To reduce the appearance of wrinkles, hydrate skin, reduce skin sagging, and reduce the appearance of freckles and blemishes.

• It can be helpful in regulating the amount of oil produced by the skin on the face.

• To help promote healing of certain types of wounds, and it may also be used to smooth out the skin and reduce the appearance of scars.

• To improve brain functions.

• To enhance the stamina and ease the fatigue.

• It may also be used by women who wish to regulate their menstrual cycle.

Hailed as nature’s elixir of youth, Sheep Placenta can topple the aging process. Age takes its toll on the human body, we can’t totally disregard this universal fact, but we can do something to prevent it from happening too soon.

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